Friday, December 28, 2012

2012: A list of accomplishments

Rather than come up with a list of things I’d like to accomplish next year, I decided to take stock of what I accomplished in 2012.  I have never done this, but it makes sense.  Why make another list of unrealistic goals when I can take a look at what I actually did do instead of remembering what I failed to do?

Here it goes.


1.     One of my films got into a few awesome festivals.

2.     I made a new film, shot on film, with a crew of one.

3.     I directed non-professional child actors.

4.     I finally made a film in Mexico.

5.     I screened at a museum again.

6.     More festivals for the two shorts.

7.     I won a comedy screenwriting competition.

8.     I semi-conquered PhotoShop and designed a poster for my film.

9.     I learned to use Apple Motion and other features of Final Cut Pro.

10.  I designed the sound for a film completely from scratch.

11.  Got freelance editing jobs and got paid for them.

12.  I learned what it’s really like to work for a paying client.

13.  I learned to never charge per project because then it’s never done and the client takes advantage of you. Always charge by the hour.

14.  I made some awesome new friends.

15.  I took an improv class to face my fears and found out some new things about me while leaving those fears behind.

16.  I started the ball rolling on the financing and planning of my first feature film.

17.  Started to make art again on a regular basis.

18.  I wrote several shorts and made some headway in a couple of feature screenplays.

19.  I bought a smart television and started streaming.  (Believe me, this is an accomplishment.)

20.  The minute I felt safe and happy and content and all that, I shook things up by taking risks.  I know that I can’t grow and improve without challenges to push me.

21.  I bought a house.

I guess it wasn’t a bad, unproductive year after all.  Weird that I felt it was.  Could it be that I was focusing on what I didn’t accomplish?  Yes, that’s the way it always is.  And of course, the regret is always that I didn’t write every day or even nearly as much as I planned to.  Even after writing the list above, I feel like a loser.  Not writing every day will do that to you.  I know I can do better and I will.  That’s the goal for 2013:  Do better, even if it’s a little bit.  That’s not unrealistic.

Happy New Year and be safe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes! Amazing list for 2012 and a powerful booster for 2013. Evvai!!! Liz